About Avenir Vert

AVENIR VERT is a fully registered non-profit organization company organized and managed in good standing under the laws of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).  We work with business, international organizations, civil society and other stakeholders to promote sustainable development in the DRC.  Our aim is to help support the transition to a climate resilient economy in the DRC and enhance the livelihoods well-being of the population.

Our work is focused on:

  • Climate Resilience Programmes

Advice to government, civil society, and business on how best to develop investment programmes in the DRC that will build climate resilience, secure return on investment and deliver community gain through improvements to livelihoods;

  • Managing Partnerships

Advice to government and business on building multi-stakeholder partnerships with civil society and academia and consultation processes to help construct a shared vision on climate change resilience which can unlock access to finance and investment opportunities.

  • Capacity Building and Training

Capacity building and training, in partnership with education and training providers, to deliver knowledge and expertise in climate change and good governance for public administration in order to strengthen their institutional capacity and secure necessary investment.

  • Research and Analysis

Up to date research and analysis on climate resilience and climate change mitigation and adaptation, including sectoral areas such as land use change, agriculture and forestry, energy, climate finance, and capacity building to help inform our clients of the opportunities in making the transition to low-carbon climate resilient economies.

  • Working with Government

AVENIR VERT has secured agreements with the following government entities:

  • Ministry of Justice:  business: entity number F92/48976

  • Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock under entity number:82200/758/SG/MIN/PE.EL/2023,

  • Environment Ministry under the entity number: 30/DRCE/SG/MEDD/2023,

  • A collaboration agreement signed with the Agriculture Ministry on July 27, 2022,

  • Kinshasa Hotel de Ville (provincial Ministry of Environment) entity number: CAB/CGEAV/APE/388/2023